Prevalence and determinants of misreporting of energy intake among Latin American populations: results from ELANS study

Abr 2, 2024 | Publicaciones Fundación Bengoa

Prevalence and determinants of misreporting of energy intake among Latin American populations: results from ELANS study.

Agatha Nogueira Previdelli, Georgina Gómez, Irina Kovalskys, Mauro Fisberg, Lilia Yadira Cortés, Rossina G Pareja, Maria Reyna Liria, Martha Cecilia Yépez García, Marianella Herrera-Cuenca, Attilio Rigotti, Viviana Guajardo, Ioná Zalcman Zimberg, Ana Gabriela Murillo, the ELANS Study Group.


Underreporting and overreporting of energy intake (EI) have been recognized as potential sources of bias. Dietary data mainly rely on proxy respondents, but little is known about the determinants of misreporting of EI among Latin American (LA) populations. This study was conducted using data from the multicenter Latin American Study of Nutrition and Health that consisted of information about sociodemographics, physical activity, and dietary intake from 9218 individuals aged 15 to 65 years who were living in urban areas in 8 LA countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela). Goldberg methodology was applied to classify the participants into categories of overreporter (OR), plausible reporter (PR), or underreporter (UR) of EI. Associations between.

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